Xavi Blanco wins the Championship of Catalonia Single Spearfishing apnea

xavi white

The White Lime Xavi Pastor SPAS won the third round selective Catalonia Individual Championship in Apnea Spearfishing, organized by the Catalan Federation of underwater activities with the support of the Club Nautico Hospitalet-Vandellos, on Sunday 1 May Ametlla. Blanco reached 18 pieces with a total weight of 10,880 kilos, from a Sardinian 1,595 kg as a larger piece.

El Calero beat Eloy Martinez of CN L'Hospitalet-Vandellos Roger Amat of SPAS who were second and third respectively. As for the other local participants, Andrew Martin Domenech was in 23th position 3 and parts of Sardinia as a larger piece 655grams, Carlos Pagan and villas in the 34th position 2 fishes, and a Sardinian 340 grams as a larger piece.

The sector was action divers from the tip to the Port of Cap Roig Ametlla. The results of this test have joined that occurred in the two previous rounds of qualifying to Llançà and kill 20 Final first to be held in the coming Palamos 11 i 12 June. Xavi Blanco has qualified for the final with the best overall score.